To book one or more of these fabulous cars, we will need to know a few things. Please have these ready when we ask for them, as this saves a lot of expense in long distance phone calling:
- Your name, address, phone numbers, cell number, and fax number (if applicable).
- The date you require the limousine.
- The time you would like the car to arrive to pick you up (and/or what time you need to be at your event).
- The time you would like the car to return at your event to take you back home.
- The pick-up location and the destination.
- Any addresses in between for additional pick-ups.
- If any refreshments are required.

We accept payment by CASH, CREDIT CARD, CHEQUE or E-TRANSFER
If you are using credit card, please have your VISA, MASTERCARD or AMERICAN EXPRESS number and expiry date ready.

Payment is due in full at the time off booking. Refund process will be, 1. More than a week before the event - 100% refund. 2. a week or less a 50% refund. 3. Cancelation the day of will result in no refund.
Inquiry Form
Fill out the information and we will contact you to provide a quote once we discuss the details.